Common Places for Slip and Fall Accidents

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Philadelphia slip and fall lawyers at Nerenberg Law Associates help victims claim compensation for their damages.Slip and fall accidents occur year-round and can put the victim out of work for a considerable length of time, or even permanently. In addition to loss of employment, the victim may face large medical bills and a long recovery. Anyone involved in a slip and fall accident should write down the circumstances as soon as possible and take photos of the conditions at the time of the accident.

Where Slip and Fall Accidents Tend to Occur

Accidents can happen anywhere, but there are places in which slip and fall incidents occur more often. Most locations also differ in liability. These include:

  • Chain stores. Large stores may have strict policies concerning a claim. It is always best to work with a slip and fall lawyer in these situations. Resorts and hotels may also have policies like that of large stores.
  • Public places. Claims against any level of government are subject to strict laws and different statutes of limitations than non-public claims.
  • Small or private businesses. This process may differ from a slip and fall at a bigger business. It should be taken with the same precaution as with a big box or chain store slip and fall claim.
  • Private homes. Homeowners have a duty to make sure their property is reasonably safe for visitors or passersby. This includes managing cracked and uneven sidewalks and pavements, and ice and snow accumulation.

Location is Vital

The location of a slip and fall accident is important concerning premises liability and who is held responsible for not maintaining the area to prevent an accident. Local laws also define who is responsible and how much time they have to correct conditions. For example, large stores such as Wal-Mart or regional grocery stores that have a lot of foot traffic are expected to react quickly to any potential slip and fall conditions. Homeowners still have the responsibility to keep their premises safe, but courts may allow them more time when it comes to correcting conditions, especially if they were unaware the injured person was on their property.

There is also the issue of condition control. Larger venues with multiple employees have more people who may create risky conditions. In such cases, the employer is usually considered liable. A landlord or a tenant has little control over a visitor or other party who may create a dangerous condition without either the landlord or tenant’s knowledge, or ability to control it.

Philadelphia Slip and Fall Lawyers at Nerenberg Law Associates Help Victims Claim Compensation for Their Damages

If you or a loved one has been injured in a slip and fall accident, you need the services of the experienced Philadelphia slip and fall lawyers at Nerenberg Law Associates. We can determine the primary party responsible for the slip and fall conditions and act accordingly through premises liability laws. Call us today at 215-569-9100 for a free consultation or contact us online. We are centrally located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and we serve clients from the surrounding areas.